Published on July 9th, 2016
Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body is not able to produce enough insulin. The shortage of insulin elevates the glucose levels in the blood. Diabetes affects all systems of the body and has many symptoms and indicators.
Skin concerns are often the first warning signs of diabetes. Of course, any unusual skin condition warrants a visit to a dermatologist. Skin conditions that may indicate diabetes should be reported to your general physician.
Skin Conditions That May Be Indicative Of Diabetes:
Necrobiosis Lipodica appears as yellow or reddish-brown bumps resembling pimples which are surrounded by porcelain looking skin and broken blood vessels.
Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin condition which may appear in persons with prediabetes. It is characterized by patches of dark velvet-like skin on the neck, armpit, or groin area.
Digital Sclerosis indicates a change needed in medication. This skin concern manifests as a thickening of the skin. It is known for its orange peel-like appearance. The patches may be found on the fingers, arms, or shoulders.
Bullosis Diabetricorum resembles blisters. They sometimes appear in clumps, but there is no pain or irritation like you would have with a typical blister.
A persistent rash is a skin concern that should be looked at by a dermatologist. A rash with swelling and a discharge could indicate an infection. Chronic skin infections could be a symptom of diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Diabetic Ulcers or open sores are a sign of poor circulation.
Diabetic Dermopathy or shin spots are characterized by dark depressions on the shins, arms, or thighs.
Eruptive Xanthomatosis are small red or yellow bumps appearing on the buttocks, thighs, elbows or knees.
Granuloma Annulare manifests as red or flesh colored bumps on vast areas of the skin.
Extremely dry skin is another potential indicator of Diabetes.
Xantheiasm appears as yellow scaly patches around the eyelids.
Numerous skin tags could indicate Type 2 Diabetes.
Published on June 29th, 2016
A scar is a normal part of the healing process when the skin is injured by surgery or an accident. The severity of the scarring often depends on the location of the wound and how well it heals. While some scarring may be unavoidable, the following tips can minimize scars from minor cuts and scrapes.
Keep the Area Clean
The first step in treating a cut or scrape is to wash it gently using water and mild soap to remove dirt, debris and germs.
Keep the Wound Moist
A small bit of petroleum jelly on the injury can keep it from scabbing, drying out, and becoming itchy. Antibacterial ointments are not necessary as long as the area is kept clean.
Keep the Injury Covered
Help protect the wound by covering it with a clean bandage while it heals. Individuals who are allergic to bandages can opt for non-stick gauze with paper tape, silicone or hydrogel sheets.
Apply Sunscreen
Once the injury has healed, applying an SPF-30 or higher sunscreen to the area can keep it from becoming red or discolored.
When to See a Doctor
Deep, gaping, or large wounds are the most prone to scarring. Stitches may help ensure proper healing and minimize potential scarring. When getting stitches, it is important to follow the doctor’s aftercare instructions for wound care and removal of the stitches. It is also important to see a doctor if the wound becomes red, extremely painful, develops drainage or other signs of infection.
Most minor scars will eventually fade over time. A dermatologist can offer treatment options for scars in a prominent location, such as the face or that remain highly-visible.
Published on June 14th, 2016
Blisters are painful skin irritations caused by the friction of body parts rubbing together or against clothing. Blisters can occur anywhere on the body where there is chafing. Taking a few simple precautions can reduce chafing and prevent blisters.
Choose Proper Footwear
Start by choosing shoes that are not too tight or too loose. Wearing one to two pairs of nylon socks or socks that are made from materials that draw moisture from the body can also help protect the skin.
Select the Right Clothing
When engaging in physical activity, choose clothes that are loose-fitting and that draw moisture from the body. It is best to avoid cotton clothes since they absorb moisture and stick to the body, which can cause chafing.
Prevent Friction
Consider using items such as moleskin, soft bandages, powder, or petroleum jelly to reduce friction in areas where your skin rubs together or can feel friction against clothing.
Treating Blisters
Stop any physical activity if an area becomes red or painful to try to prevent a blister from forming. Do not resume that particular activity until the area is healed. Most blisters will heal on their own in about two weeks as long as the area is protected. Dermatologists recommend that the area be covered with a loose bandage. To reduce the pressure on blisters on the bottom of the feet, cut out a donut-shaped piece of padding with a hole in the middle and place it around the blister. Then, cover the area with a bandage. It is best to avoid popping blisters since this can lead to an infection. If it becomes necessary to drain a large or painful blister, it should be done using a needle that has been sterilized using alcohol. Only one edge of the blister should be pierced to allow the fluid to drain. The roof of the blister should be kept intact to protect the skin underneath. After draining, the area should be kept clean and covered. Consult a doctor as soon as possible if the area becomes red, painful, or if you notice any other signs of infection.